Clematis 'Mrs. George Jackman'

Mrs. George Jackman clematis

CODE: 06A-0006
ZONE: 4a
PRICE: $12.00
POT SIZE: 4.5"sq x 5.0", 1004 ml

There are few white-flowering clematis that get me excited, but this one is really special.

Dainty and elegant, 'Mrs. George Jackson' is probably best known for its prolific displays of semi-double flowers on old wood and single flowers on new wood -- both at the same time. They're both stately and dainty, and daintiness isn't an easy feat with six-inch wide blooms! The rounded petals are a wonderfully clear shade of antique white to ivory-cream, accentuated by a small cluster of brown stamens in the center.

It generally starts blooming in early June on old wood, then continues blooming until September on new growth with an occassional flush on old wood again. It's wonderful against a dark background.

Since this is a 'pruning group 2' clematis, cut the shoots back to a set of buds about three feet above the soil line while still dormant in late winter. When planting, place the plant two inches deeper in the hole than it was growing in the pot; this will help prevent wilt.

Included in this order is four teaspoons of super-absorbent soil polymers; it should be mixed with twenty cups of soil (1.25 gallons) to retain moisture when wet and provide it back to the clematis in dry seasons. Mulch your clematis after planting as well.

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(c) 2007 Christopher P. Lindsey