Athyrium filix-femina

Lady fern

CODE: 067-0001
ZONE: 3a
PRICE: $8.00
POT SIZE: 4.5"sq x 5.0", 1004 ml

When people think of ferns, they're probably thinking of something like lady fern. Almost stereotypical in appearance, it has all of the qualities that I look for in a fern. But it's not plain by any means; it's rather lacy and nearly Victorian in its grace, well-deserving of the name 'lady fern'.

The leaves all arch outward from a central clump in the center like green fountains, misting nearby plants with bright green textural contrasts and brightening up many dark corners.

It's easily grown in rich, medium-wet well-drained soil ni part to full shade, but it can tolerate much drier soils than many other ferns. In sunnier areas it needs more moisture.

I love to plant this fern with Tricyrtis, variegated Hosta, and lungworts like Pulmonaria 'Majeste'.

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(c) 2007 Christopher P. Lindsey