Iris 'Little Sapphire'

Little Sapphire iris

CODE: 010-0005
ZONE: 3a
PRICE: $7.00
POT SIZE: 4.5"sq x 5.0", 1004 ml

These dwarf bearded iris are adorable!

The color of stonewashed blue denim, they appear in May atop stout stalks that rise up from the gray-green sword-like foliage (or since they're so short, maybe dagger-like?).

I love to plant these with Iris 'Brassie' to have a multi-colored splash of light blue and yellow in early spring; then I let other plants like Geranium 'Jolly Bee' ramble through the upright foliage for support.

Like most bearded iris, 'Little Sapphire' is happiest in well-drained soils with a little bit of moisture.

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(c) 2007 Christopher P. Lindsey